Title: Yelping With Cormac
Medium: Digitally printed, hand-bound book; graphite, ink, digital collage; text by Evan Wagoner Lynch
Dimensions: 5.5 in. W x 8 in. H; 76 pages
Date: 2022
Personal series based off of the writing project of Evan Wagoner-Lynch, Yelping With Cormac.
Studio production and printing of this book is the result of a 2022 Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Due to length of this project, audio recordings and full written transcripts are not available. However, Alt Text image descriptions are still included below. Additionally, original posts compiled by Evan Wagoner-Lynch on his website, may be accessed for original texts.

Alt Text: Title page showing small Yelp logo altered into image reminiscent of gunshot wound.

Alt Text: Text page only, no image.

Alt Text: Secondary title page showing small Yelp logo altered into image reminiscent of gunshot wound.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of side-view of cowboy laying on ground propped up by a tree, face obscured. Flies hover around body and blood drips from the cowboy's side down towards two tortillas next to the body.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, half-page drawing of close-up view of near-empty container of McDonald's fries. Visible amongst the remaining fries and spilled ketchup are two, high-caliber bullets.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, half-page drawing of close-up view of abandoned dog collar and leash. Off in the distance the silhouette of a hawk is visible, wings outstretched in flight, carrying a small dog in its talons

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of three human skulls in various stages of decay. Each skull has the letter "W" etched into its forehead.

Alt Text: Two ink and graphite, half page drawings. Image on left shows seated figure, wearing cowboy boots but no pants, camouflaged in pile of jeans, aiming rifle. Image on right shows skull wearing a jewel-encrusted crown, lying atop Juicy Couture merchandise.

Alt Text: Two ink and graphite, half page drawings. Image on left shows close-up view of two laced-up, modern hiking boots. Image on right shows close up of a single ragged shoestring lying isolated on muddy earth.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of single, wooden IKEA chair standing on three legs. Beneath the chair its fourth lies on the ground, dark with shadow or an ominous liquid.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, half page drawing of close up view of a brew of pour-over coffee in the process of being made on the muddy earth.

Alt Text: Two ink and graphite, half page drawings. Image on left shows a restaurant chalkboard reading "Thanks!" that hangs askew, parts the sign obliterated by past gunfire. Image on right depicts close-up view of conquistador helmet next to a smartphone with a phone case featuring Ohlone textile patterns.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of two bound figures, nooses around their necks, about to be executed, their heads covered by Red Lobster carryout bags. The mouth of one figure, partially visible, bares its teeth at the viewer.

Alt Text: Text page only, no image.

Alt Text: Two ink and graphite, half page drawings. Image on left close-up view of leftovers wrapped in aluminum foil shaped to resemble a swan, leaking a dark fluid, next to a stained knife. Image on right shows a single tank top discarded on a tile floor alongside several clothes hangers.

Alt Text: Two ink and graphite, half page drawings. Image on left is close-up view of an individual's hands resting on a bar, loosely covering a revolver; knuckle tattoos read "TGIF" and "BOGO." Image on right shows an aged obelisk or grave marker with the letter "V" chiseled into the top of it. Aging flowers lay at its base.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing showing a pair of forearms gripping the shaft of a branding iron; the iron's white, sparking tip in the shape of a star.

Alt Text: Interlude title page reading "The Taco Trilogy"

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of a close up view of a pair of spattered, dripping hands, bringing a taco up to the owner of the hands' open mouth. The visible teeth are dark and stained.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of a robed, hunched figure on horseback. The figure's face is largely obscured by a hood, and in its hand is a spear, a taco stuck on its tip. Flies buzz around the taco and figure, and numerous hands from a crowd up are seen around the side of the horse, reaching towards the figure.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of the view of an old, decaying mission church bell tower in mid-ring.

Alt Text: No text; interlude title page signaling end of "The Taco Trilogy" section.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of a rumpled, stained tee shirt lying amongst a makeshift cairn, the cairn marked by a skull atop an upright stake. Barely visible on the shirt is the Macintosh Apple logo.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, half page drawing of a close up view of stone fragments of a fresco painting, glimpses of hands holding a wafer of bread and a goblet of wine point to the fresco being an old Communion image.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, half page drawing of two stained, gnawed-on breadsticks, lying against one another in an arrangement reminiscent of a cross.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, two half page drawings. Drawing on left shows close-up view of a black plastic fork, resting against a stained, crumpled napkin, one of its tines broken off, surrounded by flecks of old rice. Image on right shows two dark, aged hands holding onto small display of feathered earrings.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of a cowboy lying slumped in the corner of a bathroom stall, one arm propped against a toilet, dark liquid staining him and the area of the stall. The cowboy's hat obscures his face, as he looks down at his torso, hands gripping an arrow lodged in his stomach.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, half page drawing of a filthy, bloody hand, fingers outstretched and palm facing outward. Visible on the palm, carved or branded into the skin, is the Yelp logo.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, half page drawing of a closeup view of two, cracked-open fortune cookies. Crumpled slips of paper with images of stars are partially visible within and around the cookies.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of figure seated in profile on stained pile of clothing. The figure's face and hands are coated in blood and a rifle lies loosely across their lap. Draped across the figure's legs and back are numerous articles of clothing. The hand of a corpse is barely visible at the figure's feet. Behind the figure a crude sign reads "Everything Must Go."

Alt Text: Epilogue title page reading "Coda: The Yelping of Lordsburg"

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing showing a collection of several, antiquated tools of measurement: a plummet, a sextant, and an old notebook emblazoned with stars.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing close-up of the face of a dead mule, mouth agape, lying on grassy earth. On the forehead of the mule is a single, bloody star.

Alt Text: Ink and graphite, full page drawing of three executed men, bound in various postures to a blackened tree. A wooden sign has been hung around the neck of each man, each sign bearing a number of crudely painted stars.

Alt Text: No text; interlude title page signaling end of "The Yelping of Lordsburg" section.

Alt Text: Text page only, no image.

Alt Text: Text page only, no image.

Alt Text: Title page reading Yelping With Cormac by Evan Wagoner Lynch, illustrations by Jacob Yeates